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Nearly All Text in Western Cultures Is Aligned at the Left and Reads From Left to Right.

July 27, 2017 All, International Concern

Business Meeting Cultures Around the World

Lisa Rodgers
Brand Author


How we conduct ourselves in meetings is important worldwide. If y'all have business in some other country, it'south a good thought to plan ahead. Know who you lot are coming together with.  Learn foreign customs to quickly build trust in your business relationships. Knowing the country'due south business organization etiquette tin make or break a successful business meeting. With that in mind, nosotros've compiled a list of some peculiarities of unlike concern cultures, so you tin be certain to leave the all-time impression on your new potential partners.

N American Coming together Cultures

Canada Meeting Civilisation: Planning and Protocols

Canadians are more than directly than American and British people. A strong handshake and strong eye contact will immediately fix everyone more at ease. Stand at least 2 feet away. Conversation should be exchanged quickly. "How are y'all?" and "Squeamish to meet you" are fine. Other topics may be quick references to sports such as hockey, football, golf game, or tennis.

Do not compare Canada to the U.S. Do not discuss any personal topic. Exercise not talk about conflicts between French and English language Canada. Exercise not wear whatever scent. This is important for men and women. Many Canadians accept asthma or allergies. Avert perfume, hairspray, shaving foam, and after shave lotion.

Canada is a bilingual country. Many meetings are in both French and English language.  It is a good idea to accept a translator present, if you don't speak either language. Your business organization card should have both French and English translations. In the province of Quebec, the meeting will most likely exist entirely in French. Avoid speaking in a strange linguistic communication in the presence of others who don't understand what is existence said, it is considered rude.

Exist on time to a meeting in Canada. Punctuality is a priority.

United States Civilization: Planning and Protocols

Many American meetings begin with a handshake and a few minutes of small talk. Small talk may be every bit polite as "How are y'all?", "How was your trip?" or in some locations, "How is your family?" The best responses are uncomplicated and said with a grinning, "Fine, give thanks yous. And you lot?", "Very dainty", or "They're doing well. Thank you for asking".

It is not necessary to shake hands with everyone at the meeting. Information technology is of import to shake hands with the person conducting the meeting. If there is a large grouping of attendees, some Chairpersons volition arrange for the attendees to introduce themselves. Simply give your name, your job title, and your visitor if you lot're from an external organization.

Prior to the meeting, you may receive an agenda which in some companies is loosely followed. In other companies, the calendar may be followed exactly. However, it is used by and large to continue time, so the meeting can exist ended (finished) in a succinct (short) corporeality of fourth dimension. Virtually meetings are gear up for ane hour. You may also receive a package of data before the coming together. Read through all materials and be prepared to share ideas.

Americans want to hear your stance. Speak up. Be direct. It is ok to disagree. Junior employees may disagree with senior employees. This is accepted. It is a fashion to evidence their commitment to their company and may atomic number 82 to promotion in some companies. In some companies, decisions are fabricated at the top. However, in many companies today, decisions are made equally a visitor. Everyone contributes.

Wearing apparel is much more relaxed than in other countries. In some companies, business suits may be replaced by jeans or casual trousers, but only on Fridays. Sometimes "Casual Fri" is used as a fundraising consequence for a company'due south corporate giving projects. In other words, to accept the privilege (honor) of wearing jeans on a Fri, one must pay $five. This coin goes toward helping others.

Many companies let their employees "paid time off" to volunteer in their community. The employee is representing their visitor outside the office and tin build houses, read to immature children, or establish a garden.

In other companies, such equally those in the high tech industry, every twenty-four hour period is casual. It is ok to inquire the company if they have a dress code. At your kickoff meeting, a business arrange is appropriate.

Latin American Coming together Cultures

Republic of costa rica Coming together Culture: Planning and Protocol

Costa Rica is a conservative country. A handshake is common. Costa Ricans desire to plant a friendly relationship. They will enquire a few questions to get to know y'all. Good topics include: children, history, and art. Even politics is a safe subject area in Costa Rica. Don't talk about personal criticism or religion.

Be on time to meetings. Costa Ricans are the near punctual people in Central America. If your coming together is gear up for the tiffin 60 minutes, it is even more than of import to be on time. Costa Ricans allow themselves merely a short midday break. They practise not linger over their meal like other countries in Central America.

Print all business materials including business organisation cards in English and Castilian. Include titles on your business cards as titles are important. When speaking to someone from Republic of costa rica, utilise their business championship. For example, a Ph.D or physician should exist called Doctor, a lawyer should be called Abogado, and teachers are called Profesor.

Panama Coming together Culture: Planning and Protocol

Like Costa rica, titles are important and should be on business organization cards. Business cards should be printed in English and Castilian. As in Costa rica, accost (speak to) a person using their title. If they do non take a professional title, then it is all-time to use Senor for Mr.; Senora for Mrs.; and Senorita for Miss. If you are meeting for the first time, a handshake is mutual. Only sometime friends embrace.

Similar to N American countries, modest talk is traditional. Safe topics are family unit, hobbies, and sports. Practice not talk about politics, race bug, or the Culvert Zone.

It is rare for women to be in positions of authority. Foreign women should explicate they are representing their visitor.

Argentina Meeting Culture: Planning and Protocol

Dress to print is the motto for business in Argentina. Wear proper business organisation attire such as a dark adjust and tie for men and for women dark suits or skirts and a white blouse.

At your first coming together, a handshake is mutual. Be confident. As in other countries, small-scale talk helps to create positive intentions. Safe topics in Argentina are soccer, history and civilisation, or home and children. Do not talk about religion or the Peron years.

In a more formal procedure than other countries, guests are escorted (taken) to their chairs after the initial greeting. The ii senior executives are seated contrary each other. It is best to lean back in your chair in a relaxed manner. Maintain middle contact, but limit gestures.

Arrange meetings with top executives, they make the decisions. Meetings may terminal much longer than in other countries. There is not a rush to terminate a coming together without everything negotiated. Argentines are excellent negotiators. They will non come to agreement too quickly or besides hands. Make certain all agreements are in writing.

Confirm meetings one week in advance and be on time. When scheduling, be aware you lot must be on time, but your counterpart may be up to thirty minutes late. It helps to accept an Argentine contact to aid you lot navigate business organisation and government workings.

European Meeting Cultures

British Coming together Culture: Planning and Protocols

In many ways, American and British meetings are similar. However, Americans are not every bit reserved as British people and may seem more forward or aggressive.

A light simply firm handshake, a polite greeting and a grinning volition set a positive intention for the meeting. The British are more reserved and a handshake should be the only physical contact. Shake hands only with the person conducting the coming together. Information technology is not necessary to shake hands with everyone in the room.

Exist prepared to introduce yourself at a meeting with many attendees. A simple introduction offering your name, job title, and company you stand for if you are from another visitor. This exercise will be arranged by the Chairperson, the person who called the meeting.

Before the coming together, yous may receive an agenda. This is to assist guide the coming together, though it is loosely followed. The coming together may get off to a later offset than otherwise suggested. Plan an actress v to ten minutes of look time but in case.

Meetings in Britain are frequent and rarely finished with plans to action. Usually meetings are held, discussed, and adjourned (ended) with plans for another meeting.

French Meeting Culture: Planning and Protocols

The French are a very formal people. When coming together someone for the first time, they should exist chosen Monsieur for Mr. or Madame for Mrs.  It is important to introduce yourself using your first and last proper noun or vice versa. You tin also introduce yourself by maxim your last proper name beginning. Ex: "It is a pleasure to meet you, Monsieur/Madame. I am (Terminal Proper name), (FirstName) (LastName)".

While handshakes are mutual worldwide, the French have a lighter style. They shake hands with a calorie-free, delicate affect. This is opposite the stronger, firmer American handshake. Let your business concern contact guide what style of handshake is acceptable. Go along small talk conversation professional and do not discuss your personal life or inquire about your French business counterparts. Questions most family unit are not proper in France.

Have business organization cards printed in French on one side and the other in your native linguistic communication. Write your family name (your terminal name) in uppercase letters on your business organization carte du jour. Keep your cards in a professional concern card case. France is most beingness "put together". Proper business organization attire, polite behavior, and accessories including your business concern menu case should be tasteful.

At a business lunch or dinner, keep your hands on the table and not in your lap. Business word does not begin until later on dessert. The host volition brainstorm the concern discussion.

Meetings tin can be long and decisions are made at the top. Be patient. Information technology is mutual for the French to ask a lot of questions and to interrupt. Practice non take offence. Break shows their interest and is a positive sign.

Spanish Meeting Civilization: Planning and Protocols

When coming together someone for the first time, it is best to offering a handshake. If y'all have known your Spanish counterpart for some time, they may offer a kiss on each cheek. Be enlightened, the kiss is to the air while touching cheeks.

Personal relationships are important in Espana and are the first stride toward a successful coming together. You may exist asked a lot of questions both personal and professional. Getting to know you on a personal level, helps Spaniards decide to identify their trust in you, your production, and your business concern. Yous can also ask the Spanish questions nearly their family unit or children. There is no political definiteness in Spain and nearly every topic is a safe topic.

Business concern meetings are relaxed, open, and agreements are flexible. Meeting presentations can exist long. Exist prepared. Get things in writing so decisions tin can become actions.

Be on fourth dimension to meetings. Be apprehensive. If you can speak Castilian, speak Spanish at the coming together. If your Spanish is limited, brainstorm speaking the petty Castilian y'all do know. This will go a long way in edifice a practiced account.

Asian Coming together Cultures

Japanese Coming together Culture: Planning and Protocols

It is often said, y'all merely have a moment to make a good start impression. This is specially truthful in the Japanese business organisation culture. First meetings are the virtually important. Like to the French meeting civilization, Japanese business etiquette is formal.

Be polite, just avoid familiar gestures as if you have known the person for a long fourth dimension. Do not shake hands. Do non pat anyone on the back or shoulder. Do non ask questions about their personal or private life.

Business cards are one of the about important items to take when doing business organization in Nihon. They should be printed in Japanese on i side and the other side in English. If your native language is non English, for a business concern trip in Nihon, it is appropriate to accept information technology printed in English language and Japanese only. Information technology is suggested to carry at least 100 cards for a 1 week business trip to Japan.

Do not toss your business card. Present your card property it with both hands and the Japanese linguistic communication side facing up to the most senior executive bowing slightly. Accept a Japanese concern bill of fare in the same way, with both hands, and say "thanks".

Do not forget to pick up a business bill of fare. To avoid offending anyone, it is best to immediately place the card in your conveying case.

Go far x to 15 minutes early for a meeting. Information technology is polite to telephone call and ostend you are on your way at to the lowest degree ane hour in advance. The Japanese agenda is followed much more closely than other countries. Their tight schedules don't allow for lingering.

Practice not seat yourself. Expect to be seated. In that location is a process for which person sits on which side of the table.

Once seated, take a lot of notes. This not only shows involvement, but also helps with questions later or if one political party forgets what they promised in the meeting. Practise smiling, be willing to learn, and ask a lot of questions about your customer's company.

Chinese Coming together Civilization: Planning and Protocols

When scheduling a meeting in Cathay, be aware of their holidays. Effort not to schedule a meeting during the Chinese New year's day. This usually falls at the beginning of the year, January or February. Another holiday time to avoid is Golden Calendar week in October. If plans are already made, be aware many businesses will be closed. If unavoidable, bring a souvenir. It is a sign of respect and volition be appreciated.

Unlike the Japanese culture, in the Chinese culture a proper handshake sets the tone for a positive coming together. Your handshake should be gentle, only house. Eye contact made, but held briefly. This is the starting time step toward establishing trust. The personal connection is extremely important.

Be on time. Once the meeting begins, the focus is on building trust. The Chinese take time to make sure the decision their making is the right 1. Like the Japanese, business cards are important. Have special business organization cards printed. Ane side of the business card should exist printed in Chinese and the other side, English. Nowadays your business card with both easily with the Chinese language side facing upwardly.

In Communist china it is possible you lot will meet with center managers who volition report to the higher level executives. By treating anybody with respect, no thing their status, you are more probable to make a successful business deal. Focus on give-and-take. Be patient. Once the conclusion is made, it will be reported dorsum to you lot.

The initial meeting is to become to know you, build trust, develop relationships, and constitute yourself. A major decision will non happen at the first meeting. Be aware of lucky (8) and unlucky (4) numbers and colors. "Yes" may not mean the Chinese are in agreement and want to movement forrard. Information technology may simply mean they acknowledge what you're saying. It is all-time to adopt the Chinese civilisation of not trusting someone until they've proven themselves. If possible, hire a reputable translator to help in negotiations.

Russian Meeting Culture: Planning and Protocols

Business meetings in Russia are formal. Punctuality is expected from the visitor though you may exist kept waiting every bit a testify of ability. It is expected to confirm your attendance at the coming together both with the secretary and the person you're meeting. Information technology is a good idea to ask who will be at the coming together, so you can have a meeting of equals. There is fiddling to no small talk. Similar to Latin American countries and Espana, it is proper to use professional or academic titles when addressing someone.

Status, relationships, and network are very important considerations when meeting professionals in Russia. Trust and loyalty is to a person, not a company or organization.

A meeting of equals will begin on time, but rather than postponing volition continue until everything has been discussed. Look meetings to have longer than planned. Agendas are rare. Whoever is the most senior person sets the structure of the meeting by stating the topic and length of discussion. Individuals may contribute, but decisions or disagreements are conducted in private or not at all.

Decisions are made at the highest senior level. The boss makes the decisions lonely and may or not may take into consideration recommendations or advice. Though meetings and decision-making take a long time, action is of import once a conclusion has been made.

Indian Coming together Civilization: Planning and Protocols

Present business cards when being introduced. They do non need to be double-sided as in other cultures. English language is an appropriate language. Like many cultures, Indians desire to get to know you and consider it rude to begin a meeting immediately. However, they value personal space. Stand an arm'due south length from a person. Safe topics for chat include questions about family, interests, or hobbies. Don't refuse an offering of refreshment such as java, tea, or a soft drink. Be enlightened your glass or loving cup will be refilled equally soon as it's empty. If you lot don't want some other beverage, exit a little bit in your cup.

When scheduling a meeting, know decisions are made at the elevation. Try to come across with the highest-level person available. Be prepared to reschedule as Indian counterparts may not bear witness upwards for a scheduled meeting. Programme on several visits before an agreement is made.

Be polite and patient, business organization is slow and difficult in Republic of india. If an Indian counterpart says something "can't be done", smile and restate your asking.

Gestures are common in Indian civilisation, but can easily be misinterpreted. The Western greeting of waving a mitt side-to-side for "hullo" is understood in India as "no" or "become abroad". The Western "proficient-bye" hand and arm waved upward and down is understood in India equally "come up hither". These two gestures are considered rude in Indian culture.

Use your right hand only to touch someone or selection something up. The left hand is considered unclean. Avoid pointing with fingers. Point with your whole manus or thumb.

Feet are considered unclean. Information technology is best not to cantankerous your legs when sitting in a business coming together.

When an Indian moves their head in a figure eight—similar to a Western "no", this means "yep".

African Coming together Cultures

African Meeting Civilization: Planning and Protocol

A handshake in greeting is common across Africa. In some countries, such as Morocco, men hold their handshakes for a long time. In Kenya and South Africa, handshakes are more than succinct every bit in European cultures.

Morocco is the largest city in Africa and is the hub of business concern and finance. Greatly influenced by the French, their business linguistic communication is French, non English. Moroccans value personal relationships and who you know is more important than what you know. Personal relationships go hand-in-hand with hospitality. You'll likely be served mint tea at your business meeting. Courtesy and formality are pillars of the business organisation culture.

Avert scheduling meetings on Friday at 11am and 3pm. These are prayer times. Ramadan is another fourth dimension to avoid as Muslims fast—they do not eat or drink during the mean solar day.

Be on time, only you lot may have to wait. Be enlightened your meeting may exist interrupted. Moroccans accept an "open door" policy. Anyone can come in at any fourth dimension to ask questions or proceeds approval on a projection or document. If a separate discussion begins, you tin can bring together in, but allow your host to return to the original topic of discussion.

Like to Asian and Russian cultures, senior executives brand the decisions. Nevertheless, unlike Russian cultures but similar to Asia, they brand their decisions based on recommendations from the group. Haggling is part of the culture, fifty-fifty in business concern. Decisions take time. Don't push.

Business cards are non necessary every bit they are in other cultures. Merely, if you want to requite your card have 1 side printed in French or Arabic and the other in your native linguistic communication. Present the card with the French or Arabic language side upwards.

South Africa Coming together Culture: Planning and Protocol

Dress appropriately. Only African women clothing a sari. In the cities, many South Africans have adopted western dress.

Meetings may be held in a expert restaurant for lunch or dinner. A handshake is a common greeting. Use titles and last names when addressing people. Business organization cards are accepted and exchanged, but there is no special style to give or receive a business card.

When scheduling, appointments can be fabricated as early on as 9a.k. Business dealings are relaxed and casual. Be patient. Don't blitz. South Africans want everyone to feel they got a practiced deal; a "win-win" situation.

United Arab Emirates Meeting Culture: Planning and Protocol

Dress modestly. Most of the body should exist covered. Do not try to wear native habiliment. They may find information technology offensive. Men should wear a jacket and necktie, a long-sleeved button up shirt buttoned to the collar. Avoid jewelry around the neck. Women should wear dress with loftier necklines, sleeves to the elbow or wrist, and ankle-length or mid-calf skirts. Avoid pants or pantsuits. Be aware shoes are often removed before entering a building. Do as your host does.

Permit your host or counterpart to make the showtime move and brainstorm the greeting. Men shake hands with men. A more traditional greeting is for men to concord each other'south right manus, placing the left hand on the other'south right shoulder and exchanging kisses on each cheek. If a businesswoman is present, she should look for the man to offer his hand in greeting.

When you sit down, do not cross your legs. To show the bottom of your shoe or foot is offensive.

The safest topic is sports. Exercise not discuss women, fifty-fifty if information technology relates to a family member. Likewise, avert the topic of Israel. When scheduling a coming together, try to avoid Friday. This is the day of rest in Muslim countries. Prior to the coming together, information technology is a expert thought to get the names of the attendees (in English language) and how they are addressed.

Communication is boring and often interrupted. "Yes" is not a confirmation, information technology is closer in significant to "possibly". Avoid asking a lot of questions. You volition be considered less important. Y'all do not demand to fill the silence. The decision maker is often silent and more interested in observing.


Key Takeaways:

Dress appropriately. In general, men should dress in dark suits and be well-groomed. Hair trimmed. Women should dress conservatively. A good dominion of thumb is a dark pant suit or brim with a white blouse. In Muslim countries, sleeves should be to the wrist and skirts past the knees.

Shake hands and brand eye contact.

In well-nigh cultures, information technology is proper to make small talk. Ask getting to know you questions.

E'er accept business cards. In most cases, impress one side in English and the other in the linguistic communication of the country visiting.

Hire a translator, if needed.

Exist aware it may accept several meetings before decisions are made or agreements reached.

Sources kingdom-business-culture/meeting-etiquette/ concern-Meetings-in-Britain.html

https://world wide

http://world wide

http://world wide—french-business concern-etiquette

http://world wide organization-culture.php

http://world wide organisation-etiquette.htm organization-etiquette organisation-coming together-etiquette-in-russian federation/ concern-skills/etiquette-concerns-for-african-business-trips/

http://world wide

http://world wide

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